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South Hill

Rendering of South Hill Station.

About the station

South Hill Station is near the community of Riverbend located between Glenmore Trail and 86 Avenue S.E. 

The station connects to amenities including:

  • Foothills Industrial area
  • Calgary Rugby Union
  • A future transit hub
  • Lands where future Transit-Oriented Development is possible

The South Hill Station Area Concept Plan was approved by Council in 2016. It includes pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use development, with opportunities for larger scale development on the lands north and south of Glenmore Trail, and across the irrigation canal to the east.   

Features of station area

  1. Plaza which shares space between bus drop-offs and station platform
  2. Station
  3. Bus terminal accessed by a transit only road

Key features:

  • Designated pick-up and drop-off area for passenger
  • Surrounding lands where future Transit-Oriented Development space is possible
  • Multi-use pathways that align with roadways, crosswalks and the transit area
  • Event space for community programming
  • Shared amenities within the transit platform, bus waiting area and pedestrian corridors
  • Partial canopy coverage on platforms
  • Platform shelters
  • Seating and lean rails for passengers
  • Bicycle parking

Current construction

Public spaces

With the primary access point of South Hill Station being the plaza space at the corner of 86 Avenue S.E. and the bus terminal, there is an opportunity for this area to be an anchor for the entire site, encouraging pedestrians to interact with the space.

Unique to South Hill Station is a storm water retention pond that backs onto the station platform and provides a natural setting for those using the station, while also providing storm water management.

Landscaping elements provide opportunities for art installations, whether waiting at transit stops, riding the train or walking within the station.

Local businesses and promotions

Community events and information

The Green Line team is always popping up at events. Sign up for our newsletter and find out where we will be next. 

View South Hill construction and photos

Rendering of South Hill Station at 30% design
South Hill Station canopy rendering - 30% design
Rendering of South Hill Station at 30% design
South Hill Station rendering - 30% design
Rendering of South Hill Station at 30% design
South Hill Station rendering - 30% design
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