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Rendering of Highfield Station.

About the station

Highfield Station is in the centre of Calgary’s original industrial district. With close to 5,000 jobs within a 10-minute walk, Highfield Station will provide important connectivity to this large employment area. 

The station connects to:

  • Alberta Distilleries Ltd.
  • Alberta Flour Mills (Spillers Mill)
  • Calgary Food Bank 

Highfield station reuses land that was previously a landfill. The station has the potential to encourage additional industrial and commerical growth in this area. 

Features of station area

  1. Bus terminal 
  2. Station

Key features:

  • Designated pick-up and drop-off area for passengers
  • Shared plaza space between bus drop-offs and station platform.
  • Event space for community programming
  • Shared amenities within the transit platform, bus waiting area and pedestrian corridors
  • Partial canopy coverage on platforms
  • Platform shelters
  • Seating and lean rails for passengers
  • Bicycle parking

Current construction

Public spaces

Considering the relative isolation of Highfield Station due to its particular location and topography, providing spaces that incentivize public engagement is of high importance to ensure the station is an inviting urban location. Creating points of interest on site will encourage users to engage with the space, whether they are actively waiting for a train or simply passing by the station.

Local businesses and promotions

Community events and information

The Green Line team is always popping up at events. Sign up for our newsletter and find out where we will be next. 

View Highfield construction and photos

Rendering of Highfield Station at 30% design
Rendering of Highfield Station canopy - 30% design
Rendering of Highfield Station at 30% design
Rendering of Highfield Station canopy - 30% design
Rendering of Highfield Station at 30% design
Rendering of Highfield Station - 30% design
Rendering of Highfield Station at 30% design
Rendering of Highfield Station - 30% design
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