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Supporting communities

Green Line supports communities and attends many events each year to prepare for the impacts of construction. 

Community relations

As the largest infrastructure project in Calgary’s history, we know that construction will affect communities and residents along the Green Line. A new LRT line will bring long-term benefits to the neighbouring communities, but there will be impacts through construction.  

Our Community and Business Relations team is committed to mitigating those impacts where possible, and providing transparent and timely access to project, traffic, and construction-related information, and being responsive to the needs and concerns of the community.

Who we are

The Community and Business Relations team works collaboratively with those impacted by construction to inform and prepare them for construction and builds partnerships with organizations and communities along the Green Line.  

Our team is the primary source of public information, so it is our responsibility to anticipate and share information about activities which may be of interest or concern to Calgarians. We are committed to proactively sharing information, providing Calgarians with opportunities to be informed, to understand and to be aware of the construction.

Business Support Program

We also have a Business Support Program to help businesses reduce the impacts from construction.

What we do to support communities

  • Serve as the link between Green Line construction teams and the public.
  • Proactively identify anticipated impacts to communities and inform them of key dates and construction impacts that are approaching.
  • Host information sessions and make door-to-door contact in advance of construction beginning in a community.
  • Provide regular updates to Community Associations, BIAs and condo boards.
  • Serve as a point of contact for the public.
  • Make connections with school and community groups to provide learning opportunities.
Community outreach in Ogden to teach children about safety around construction sites. (Banting and Best School, May 2023)
Community outreach in Ogden to teach children about safety around construction sites. (Banting and Best School, May 2023)
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