Pregnancy and Parent & Baby classes

A fit body makes for a healthy pregnancy and a resilient parent! Exercise before and after pregnancy is a fabulous way to enhance your health and wellness and to spend time bonding with your little one.

Benefits of pregnancy and parent & baby classes

Exercising with others increases social contact for both parent and baby. It is a fabulous way to get out of the house and connect with parents in your community!  Our classes will help you to improve your strength, cardio endurance, flexibility and wellness. You will become more physically aware and connect with your changing body during and after pregnancy.

Fitness has been shown to help with the birthing process, to improve sleep, elevate your mood, energy, and outlook on life.

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Types of pregnancy and parent & baby classes

You can register online, in person at our Recreation facilities, or by calling


About our fitness instructors

Our certified fitness and yoga instructors are specifically trained in pre and post-natal fitness as well as parent and baby fitness. 

What are classes like?

Classes range from forty-five minutes to one hour in length. Some fitness programs may include a stroller. Others might involve indoor or outdoor fitness equipment. All programs will include a warm-up, cardio and/or strength section followed by stretching and a cool-down period. Yoga classes are gentle formats, tailored specifically for your body.

The social component is important during these programs and includes both parent and baby interaction as well as a focus on creating community with the other parents. Mothers, fathers or other caregivers are welcome to register.

Come prepared

For indoor classes, please bring:

  •  Clean, indoor athletic shoes that have not been worn outdoors
  • A water bottle
  • Warm layers for your baby. Classes may be held in an air-conditioned studio
  • Mat for baby to lay on or carrier for baby to be in

For outdoor stroller fitness classes, please bring:

  • A quality stroller with a sunshade for your baby
  • Appropriate outdoor runners, wear layers and sun protection/bug spray
  • A water bottle
  • A blanket or towel for cool down

More fitness classes

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