Project update - September 2023

Improvements along 17 Avenue S.W. are now complete.

Project Scope

The City has developed streetscape master plans for 17 Avenue S.W. based on feedback, technical analysis, and financial considerations. The plans support the needs identified by the community and provides a vision that guides the detailed design and construction phases.

The final design for the 17 Avenue Main Street projects includes:

  • Curb extensions and signal upgrades to improve pedestrian crossings.
  • Sidewalk improvements.
  • Enhanced landscaping; including increasing the urban tree canopy.
  • Wider sidewalks on both sides of the bridge over Crowchild Trail at 17 Avenue.
  • Water and sanitary main upgrades on 17 Avenue between 28 Street and 26 Street, and on 26 Street between 17 Avenue and Bow Trail
  • Utility upgrades.
  • Curb extensions at four intersection near the Alexander Ferguson School as part of the Community Mobility Initiative program.

What will 17 Avenue look like?

Project background

17 Avenue S.W. (Crowchild Trail-37 Street), underwent the “design” step of the Main Streets program in 2018 and 2019. The City developed a streetscape master plan for 17 Avenue S.W. based on feedback, technical analysis, and financial considerations. The plans support the needs identified by the community and provides a vision that guides the detailed design and construction phases. This vision encompasses numerous considerations, including:

  • Enhanced pedestrian safety and comfort.
  • Improved mobility options, including transit and cycling.
  • A design that reflects its identity of the surrounding communities.
  • Green, friendly streets through naturalized boulevards, trees, and site furnishings.
  • Making 17 Avenue S.W. a destination that will support existing and new local businesses.
  • Improved connections to park spaces and amenities.

Past Engagement


  • Spring 2022 – Construction starts
  • Spring 2023 – project completion

Contact us

Project documents

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