Community-run public art microgrant program

Community-run Public Art Microgrant Program

This program provides microgrants for community members to develop ideas for community-run public art projects. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, we can support the local economy, strengthen our communities and boost mental health through artistic exploration. Communities are encouraged to team up with artists at any level to explore any form of public art in any part of the city.

Thank you for your passion and dedication to art in Calgary! Be sure to watch this website as we add more completed projects.

Learn how you can apply for the microgrants for your community-run public art project by subscribing to our newsletter.

2020 Program

In 2020 we received more than 70 creative and innovative applications. About $137,000 was distributed among 36 projects. Ideas both inspired and provided unique ways for citizens and communities to engage in a safe way.

Click on each image to learn about the successful recipients and projects.