​Return your completed property Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP) agreement and a void cheque or pre-authorized debit (PAD) form no later than the "Return by" date shown on the TIPP agreement using one of the methods below:​

3 Steps to join TIPP


Request Agreement

Request a TIPP agreement completely customized for a property.


Agreement Sent

The City creates and sends you a customized TIPP agreement.


Return Agreement

Complete, sign & return the customized TIPP agreement received from The City.


Return a completed TIPP agreement

NOTE: The form you return must be the TIPP agreement you requested and received from The City of Calgary. If you have not received a TIPP agreement from The City of Calgary, request an agreement first.

Secure Online Page: upload a PDF or JPG file (max. 2 MB) of the completed agreement and void cheque or pre-authorized debit (PAD).​

NOTE: When you have successfully submitted your agreement, the screen will display a success message.  Print this screen for your records.  You will not receive an email confirmation.

An incomplete TIPP agreement may result in delays in processing or exclusion from the TIPP program in which late penalties may occur.

24-hour deposit box: street level at Municipal Building East Entrance, 801 Third St. S.E.

Mail: Finance/Tax & Receivable, P.O. Box 2405, Station M, Calgary, AB T2P 3L9 

In person or by courier: Third Floor, Calgary Municipal Building (City Hall), 800 Macleod Trail S.E., Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.



How to fill out your TIPP agreement

Ensure fast processing of your form. See detailed instructions on how to fill out the fields on t​he TIPP agreement you received.

Learn more

Agreement form requests

To receive a customized TIPP agreement form, see TIPP - Request an agreement to join.


Questions about returning an agreement or initial payments?



What if I don’t have a void cheque to return with my completed agreement?

​Your bank may provide you with a void cheque or a pre-authorized debit payment form (PAD), either online or through your branch. Contact your bank for further information.

Did you receive my TIPP agreement? How will I know I’m enrolled?

Due to the volume of TIPP agreements received each month, we are unable to confirm receipt of an agreement or enrolment with each new participant.

The best way to ensure you are enrolled is to return your signed, completed agreement, void cheque or Pre-authorized Debit form no later than the ‘return by’ date on your customized TIPP agreement. Your first automatic withdrawal will occur on the “start date” quoted on your TIPP agreement.

Contact Property Tax if the monthly instalment is not debited from your bank account on the scheduled start date.

I missed the deadline to return my TIPP agreement, what should I do?

​Return the completed agreement, void cheque or pre-authorized debit form (PAD)  as soon as possible. We will review the information and advise what must be done to be enrolled on the program.
