Managing City finances

Managing City finances

Keeping the cost of municipal government low

Calgary consistently earns its place as one of the world's most livable cities, and we take pride in our commitment to providing essential services to Calgarians while keeping the cost of municipal government low.

Over the past decade, Calgary has experienced remarkable growth, becoming Canada's fastest-growing city with a nearly 25% increase in its population. This rapid expansion, coupled with the highest inflation rates seen since 1982, has introduced significant challenges in our efforts to meet the increasing demands for City services.

To address these challenges, The City has diligently managed its tax-supported operating expenditures since 2014, ensuring that they closely align with or remain below the combined rates of population growth and inflation. This financial stewardship serves as a clear indicator that Calgary is living within its means and is committed to responsible fiscal management.

In the chart below, the solid black line labeled "Actual" represents the tax-supported operating expenditures, demonstrating our ability to control costs effectively – below the population & inflation total (light grey line). Moreover, our future budgeted amounts, indicated by the red (2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets) is projected remain below population growth and inflation projections. This strategy underscores our dedication to sustaining a high quality of life for Calgarians while keeping the burden on taxpayers as low as possible.

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