Waste diversion for businesses and organizations

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As of November 1, 2017, businesses and organizations in Calgary must have waste diversion programs in place. This includes all waste created by your business: operations, customers, members, employees and/or volunteers.

You are required to do the following:

Are you a business, company or organization?

The bylaw applies to property management, offices, stores, malls, restaurants, hotels, schools, non-profits, healthcare, manufacturers, factories, churches, warehouses and other operations. The bylaw applies regardless of organization size or number of employees.

My business or organization does not have a waste diversion program

If your business or organization does not have a recycling or food and yard waste program, please contact us by filling out an online service request below.

Resources for businesses and organizations

We offer recycling diversion guides, online tools, signs and posters, best practices and success stories to help you get started with your diversion programs.

In Calgary, you can also choose your waste collection company. Find guides on how to pick the right hauler and service for you, and see a directory of available haulers and collection companies.

See Business Waste Diversion Program: Tools and Resources.
Resources for Businesses and Organizations  

Waste disposal options for businesses and organizations

Find disposal options and instructions for your commercial waste:

  • Disposal options for common business waste items
  • Instructions for special items (asbestos, paint, clean fill, electronics)
  • Industrial waste permits and instructions
  • City of Calgary landfill services for businesses

Visit Waste Disposal Options for Businesses and Organizations.

Waste Disposal Options for Business  

City of Calgary business waste collection services

We offer commercial garbage, recycling, and food and yard waste collection services for Calgary businesses and organizations.

Our commercial waste management service features:

  • Flexible service agreements with no long-term contracts
  • Quality customer service and high standard or service delivery
  • Commitment to waste diversion and cost effective services

If you already have City of Calgary service or are interested in our services, see City of Calgary Commercial Waste Collection Services.

City of Calgary Business Waste Collection Services  
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