Municipal Complex Plaza booking information

Who can use the Plaza?

Use of the Municipal Complex Plaza is available to any group or person between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. A permit is not required for this space, but users can secure exclusive use of the Plaza by registering their events.

Guidelines for using the Plaza

Users are advised to review the guidelines on the use of the Plaza prior to holding any kind of event or gathering. For exact expectations on behaviour and use of the space, please refer to the Municipal Complex Bylaw. Please refer to the Municipal Complex Plaza map for exact location and boundary details.

Plaza event calendar

Upcoming registered events at the Plaza are posted on Plaza event calendar. Users are advised to review the calendar to ensure there are no conflicts with registered events and maintenance activities.

Registering an event

To secure exclusive use of the Plaza, users can register their events with Facilities. Registering for exclusive use of the Plaza is limited to once a month. Complex Administration will contact groups or individuals registering an event to confirm / discuss their requests within seven days.

Contact us

For any additional information, contact Facilities at