Calgary's Sustainable Building Policy

The City of Calgary’s Sustainable Building Policy (the Policy) ensures all City-owned and City-financed facility planning, designing, constructing, managing, renovating, operating, and demolishing is carried out:

  • in a sustainable manner
  • considers all triple bottom line (social, economic and environmental) impacts
  • enhances The City of Calgary’s reputation as a fiscally responsible municipal government
  • addresses the health and well-being of the people who use and occupy City-owned buildings


The Policy was piloted in 2003 and permanently adopted in 2004. The next major iteration was approved by Council in 2008 and the latest update was approved by Council in 2019. As the first jurisdiction in Canada with a policy directing City owned and funded buildings to achieve mandatory levels of green building certification, Calgary’s policy not only demonstrated significant leadership, but helped build a rapidly expanding green building sector in Alberta.

Current policy

Calgary’s current Sustainable Building Policy (349 KB) was developed using many years of lessons learned by The City and our project partners. In addition, The Policy has been updated in response to advancements in the green building industry, including the evolution of best practices, building certification programs, the introduction of the National Energy Code for Buildings, and multiple citizen, Council, and Corporate directives, policies, and targets.

This Policy has also been updated to introduce greater clarity on policy applicability and City priorities, simplify governance, and focus on achieving high performing infrastructure.


You can find all the resources you regarding Calgary’s Sustainable Building Policy (Version 3.0, 2019) here. This includes guidance documents outlining the minimum sustainability requirements for City owned and funded buildings, certification program selection tools and other resources to help support the Policy.

Document library

Design guidelines for City of Calgary Funded Buildings

Sustainable Building Policy documents

Green building incentives

Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP)  

  • Due to a high volume of CEIP applications, we are temporarily pausing intake of new pre-qualifications to deliver reasonable processing times for applicants. We will reopen for new pre-qualifications once the initial applications are processed.
  • Applicants who applied and received a confirmation email will continue to be processed in the timelines specified in the confirmation email.

Other resources

For further information, contact 311​.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​