Ward 2 - Jennifer Wyness

Bear Sightings in Northwest Calgary

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Attention residents!

Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Services are alerting Calgarians in the northwest that there have been sightings of a black bear in the area. Last week, new reports emerged placing the bear in the Hawkwood neighborhood, specifically around Hawkwood Boulevard and John Laurie Boulevard.

It's crucial for residents to exercise caution and be bear-aware during this period. Alberta Fish and Wildlife emphasizes that improperly stored garbage is the leading cause of human-bear conflicts. To prevent these creatures from returning to residential areas in search of food, it's essential to store garbage securely, out of reach of bears and other wildlife. Feeding the bear or approaching it can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

As we coexist with wildlife in our beautiful city, taking these precautions ensures both our safety and the well-being of these majestic animals in their natural habitat.

For more information on wildlife safety tips and tricks, visit our article here.

You can read the provincial guidelines on what to do if you see a bear here.

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Categories: Fish & Wildlife, General, Tips