Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Solar powered crosswalk on Sun Valley Boulevard


Those of you who frequent the community of Sundance may have noticed the new pedestrian crosswalk at Sun Valley Blvd and Sun Harbour Road S.E. What you may not know is that these crosswalks are solar powered, have LED lights, and are actually being tested by the City as a part of a pilot project that includes seven locations in Calgary. The pilot will last up to 18 months so that each different kind of Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) will be evaluated in all types of weather conditions.

I have become very familiar with this project. In June of 2011, I put forward an application to get funding for this project through the Council Innovation fund as part of an ongoing effort to improve safety on Sun Valley Blvd.

In addition the technical study that is being conducted, the City is asking for feedback from residents regarding the RRFBs in their community. From April 29 to - May 6, residents can contact 311​ to share their opinion regarding this type of pedestrian traffic signal. I strongly urge the residents who have been impacted by the new crosswalk to do so.

You can find more information on the RRFB Pilot Project by going to calgary.ca/RRFB.​

Categories: Motions and Initiatives