​​We want everyone to enjoy their time at our facilities. Rules and regulations help create a safe, responsible and respectful environment for all. They apply to all City-facility users – please do your part. Failing to comply may result in a loss of rental privileges.

Do – Required

  • Put all garbage in the receptacles provided
  • Report accidents/injuries to facility staff
  • Take care not to damage the facility - anyone who does is responsible for repair/replacement costs

Don’t – Not Permitted

Alcohol zero tolerance policy

The City of Calgary has zero tolerance for alcohol consumption at Recreation and Parks facilities. We ask you to follow these guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable family environment for all.

This Zero Tolerance guideline protects users, visitors and staff from risk and/or injury. For more information, refer to The Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Act, Section 89 (1)​.

These guidelines apply to all arenas, athletic parks, pools, playfields and multi-purpose facilities. Exceptions are noted. Otherwise the penalties for consuming alcohol at a City facility are:

  1. First offence – all related bookings at the facility where the offence took place will be cancelled without refund.
  2. Second offence – all related bookings at any City of Calgary facility will be cancelled without refund.

Also prohibited

  • Smoking or vaping
  • Solicitating
  • Cannabis products
  • Chewing tobacco
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Swearing or using offensive language
  • Unauthorized food, beverages, goods and services
  • Unauthorized raffles or lotteries
  • Pets

Zero Tolerance Policy Exceptions

Alcohol may be served at City of Calgary facilities with pre-approval from The City, as follows:

  • Festivals/Events booked through Recreation with approval/license from The Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) agency and paid security.
  • Private adult events booked through an Athletic Park Special Event Application Form, with proof of AGLC approval/license. Security is provided for the duration of the event at a cost of $25 per hour per security guard. Security volunteers are not permitted.
  • Concessions with an AGLC license to sell alcohol.
  • Third parties leasing City facilities with an AGLC license to sell alcohol for activities or events (i.e. the Tennis Academy, Volleydome Inc.).

Facility staff may establish and enforce additional rules as deemed necessary. The City of Calgary is not liable for any personal injury, or loss or damage to personal property that may result from meeting room use.