Calgary skyline

Risk-based approach

The City Auditor’s Office (CAO) audit process continues to utilize a risk-based approach throughout the three phases of the audit: planning, fieldwork, and reporting. In particular, the planning phase includes a detailed risk identification and assessment phase. The purpose of this phase is to identify the most significant risks within the area and focus the allocated audit resources on those areas. The result is an audit project that focuses on the most significant risks that could impact the achievement of City objectives.

Audit process

City Auditor's Office audit process
  1. Planning - The project plan outlines the audit objective, key risks, timelines and audit approach.
  2. Fieldwork - Formal audit procedures are completed according to IIA standards.
  3. Reporting - Final report is presented to the Audit Committee and released to the public.
  4. Client Feedback - We utilize feedback to identify improvement opportunities in audit services delivery.
  5. Follow-up - Actions on recommendations are monitored and reported quarterly to the Audit Committee.

Results reporting

The CAO reports the results of all audits in public reports to Council through the Audit Committee. We monitor the progress of action plans implemented to address our audit recommendations and report to Audit Committee on the completeness and timeliness of implementation.​​

Audit reports

2024 Audit reports

Cloud Vendor and Solutions Management Audit, AC2024-0104
Cover Report

Downtown Calgary Development Incentive Program Audit, AC2024-0238
Cover Report

Endpoint Management Continuous Auditing Project, AC2024-0630
Report held confidential pursuant to Section 20 (Disclosure harmful to law enforcement) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Review By: 2039 May 23

Financial Reserves Audit - AC2024-0569
Cover Report - Audit Report

Safety Management Audit, AC2024-0488
Cover Report - Audit Report

Streetlights Maintenance and Repair Operations Audit, AC2024-0622
Cover Report - Audit Report

2023 Audit reports

Calgary Housing Company - Vendor Procurement and Management Audit - AC2023‑0230
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Calgary Transit Rail System Lifecycle Asset Management Annual Investment Program Audit, AC2023-1188
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Community Safety Partner Agency Liaison Initiative Audit, AC2023‑0919
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Green Line Risk Management Processes Audit, AC2023-0797
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Manual Journal Entries Continuous Auditing Project, AC2023-1146
Cover Report - Audit Report

Public Spaces Delivery-Parks and Open Spaces Capital Project Management Audit - AC2023-0772
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Real Estate and Development Services - Enhanced Rationalization Program Audit - AC2023‑0049
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Recruitment Processes Audit - AC2023-0444
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Supplier Conflict of Interest Continuous Auditing Project – AC2023-0050
Cover Report - Presentation Slide

Waste Management Facility Cash Handling Audit, AC2023-1187
Cover Report - Presentation Slide

2022 Audit reports

Calgary Recreation Infrastructure Investment Audit, AC2022-0727
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Facilities Lifecycle Investment Management Audit - AC2022-1148
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Fleet Operator and Public Safety Audit, AC2022-0315
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Green Line Program Baseline Schedule Audit - AC2022-1191
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Hyperion System Governance Audit, AC2022-0079
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Public Protection Site Safety Plan Process Audit, AC2022-0876
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

Transportation Infrastructure – Construction Project Audit (West 17th Avenue Main Street) - AC2022-0497
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation Slide

2021 Audit reports

2021 Municipal Election Audit, AC2021-1277
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slide

311 Response Audit, AC2021-0923
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slide

Acquisition of Goods and Services under SOLE Audit, AC2021-1673
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slide

Cyber Security Incident Response Follow-up Audit, AC2021-0313
Cover Report - Audit Report* - Presentation slide
Attachment 1 held confidential pursuant to Section 20 (Disclosure harmful to law enforcement) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Review By: 2036 March 31

Green Line Program Governance Follow-up Audit, AC2021-0918
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slide

Industrial Control Systems Security Audit, AC2021-1099
Cover Report - Audit Report* - Presentation slide
Attachment 1 held confidential pursuant to Section 20 (Disclosure harmful to law enforcement) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Review By: 2036 July 22

Integrated Risk Management Audit, AC2021-0730
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slide

PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management Continuous Auditing, AC2021-1251
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slide

2020 Audit reports

2017 Municipal Election Follow-up Audit, AC2020-0196​:
Cover Report - Audit Report​​​​​​​

Assessment Complaints Audit, AC2020-1170
Cover Report  - Audit Report  - Presentation slide

Calgary Fire - Inspections Audit, AC2020-0621
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slides

Corporate Credit Card Continuous Auditing, AC2020-1283 
Cover Report  - Audit Report  - Presentation slide

Council Expense Audit - C2020-0658
Cover Report - Audit Report

Corporate Issue Management Program Audit, AC2020-0297:
Cover Report - Audit Report​​

Data Analytics Program Update, AC2020-0622
Cover Report - Presentation slides

Operating Budget Management Audit, AC2020-0343:
Cover Report - Audit Report​​

Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund Administration Audit, AC2020-0764
Cover Report - Audit Report - Presentation slides

Roads Pothole Remediation Audit, AC2020-0408
Cover Report - Audit Report

2019 Audit reports

Annual Control Environment Assessment Audit AC2019-0214:
Cover Report - Audit Report​​

Calgary Community Standards - Livery Transport Services Audit AC2019-0278:
Cover Report - Audit Report​

Calgary Parking Authority Asset Management Processes Audit AC2019-0010:
Cover Report - Audit Report

Data Analytics Desktop Review Program AC2019-1242:
Cover Report​​

Emergency Management Audit, AC2019-0678:
Cover Report - Audit Report​

Green Line Project Governance Audit AC2019-0353:
Cover Report - Audit Report​

Off-site Levy Annual Reporting Audit AC2019-124​1:
Cover Report - Audit Report

Planni​ng Application Review and Approval Process Audit AC2019-0466​:
Cover Report​ - Audit Report​

Report on Revised Annual Audit Plan Approach, AC2019-0899:
Cover Report - Audit Report

Supply Management Warehouse and Inventory Audit, AC2019-1027:
Cover Report - Audit Report​

Waste and Recycling – Blue Cart Contamination Prevention Audit AC2019-1240:
Cover Report - Audit Report​​
