A-Z Listing

Plastic - Clamshell containers

Recycle empty and clean plastic clamshell containers marked with a recycling symbol 1-7:

  • In your blue cart
  • At a community recycling depot

Clamshells are often used for salad kits, sandwich containers, and berry containers for strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc.

How are clamshell containers able to be recycled?

Some people might remember the 2019 Calgary plastic clamshell container situation. This resulted in 2,000 tonnes of stored clamshell material having to be landfilled due to a lack of markets. But The City has been able to successfully sort and recycle this material since April 2019 – so keep recycling your clamshell containers. Learn more at calgary.ca/recyclefacts.

Community recycling depot locations listed below:

Plastic clamshell container
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