A-Z Listing

Clean fill

How to dispose of clean fill (dirt, clay or gravel)

Bring clean fill to a City landfill for disposal.

Self-haul residential clean fill is accepted at no charge. You may use a standard residential vehicle like a car or truck.

If you use a trailer or commercial vehicle, landfill charges will apply. If you are a commercial business with clean fill, see the Commercial Clean Fill page.

Clean fill is accepted during regular landfill hours​.

What is included in clean fill?

Acceptable Not acceptable
  • Unprocessed soil
  • Naturally occurring clay, silt, loam, sand or gravel (less than six inches in size)

Clean fill cannot contain any debris or any of the following materials:


  • Sod and grass
  • Wood, branches and twigs
  • Large rocks
  • Garbage
  • Construction materials etc.
  • Processed materials such as compost
  • Dried hydro-vac processed residue
  • Engineered fill products
  • Reused or recycled aggregate products
  • Dried pond sediments
  • Water treatment sludge

No topsoil can be accepted (Alberta Soil Conservation Act, Nov 1, 2010)


Mixed loads containing any unacceptable material is NOT considered clean fill and will be charged the basic sanitary waste rate at a City landfill.


If other items are mixed in with the clean fill, it is the landfill's discretion as to what rate will be charged.

Landfill locations listed below:

Clean fill
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