The SIMS data source

EnviroSite information is collected from a database managed by The City's Environmental & Safety Management (ESM) business unit. This database is named Site Information Management System, or SIMS, and is the single source for the historical site information as well as the environmental report information. SIMS also provides the landfill information provided in EnviroSite's colour map.

Access to SIMS data

The City Online subscription service is the only method for obtaining information from SIMS. Direct requests for environmental site information sent to The City will not be completed. For more information on Cityonline

Data updates

Site data is frequently updated in SIMS. The fees charged through for EnviroSite help to keep the database current.

Customer feedback on SIMS data

For more information on the maintance of SIMS, and to provide feedback, please contact Environmental & Safety Management.

The petroleum tank field

The City of Calgary purchase historical underground petroleum tank data from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta.  As mentioned, this data is historical and only provides the number of known tanks on or before 1996. No data about petroleum tanks after 1996 is provided in the report.
