Indices of Community Well-Being for Calgary Community Districts

Quality-of-Life surveys are one of the most important ways to assess how well a Canadian municipality is accomplishing its goals, and this is best achieved through a detailed examination of its individual neighbourhoods. To this end, The City of Calgary produces reports such as the Indices of Community Well-being for Calgary Neighbourhoods, which shine light on whether certain vulnerabilities may – or may not be – prevalent across the whole spectrum of Calgary neighbourhoods.

In broad terms, these vulnerabilities are expressed in economic themes (poverty, employment and housing), social themes (family stability, social inclusion, education), and physical well-being themes (personal health and personal safety). These and more are examined in The Indices, which present the data in easy-to-read maps and charts.

The Indices has been published using predominantly Federal Census data from 2006, and has been produced by The City of Calgary since 1986.

View the complete document here - Indices Of Community Well-Being (2006)