Project update - February 2024

In 2021, public engagement was completed to help inform the concept design for the 14 and 15 Avenue S Mobility Improvements project. To learn more on the feedback provided and the design chosen for this work, please visit In February 2023, a news release announced that funding was secured to move ahead with this project. Planning is now underway to begin construction.

Construction update
We anticipate construction to start in summer 2024 and be completed in fall 2025. See below for information on the project scope of work.

Next steps
This winter, we will be sharing information in the mail on the upcoming construction work happening with residents and businesses on 14 and 15 Avenue S from Macleod Trail to 12 Street S.W. We also plan to have an information session in the spring to answer any questions. In the meantime, if you have a question or concern, please reach out to the project team at

We will continue to keep this website updated as this project progresses to construction. Please check back for project news or subscribe for updates

Project scope

As funding has now been secured for the next phase of this project, we will be completing the following work:

  • Upgrading the existing painted wheeling lane to provide a protected two-way wheeling lane on the north side of 15 Avenue S between 12 Street S.W. and Macleod Trail. This will require the removal of parking on the north side of the road.
  • When the proposed changes are made to 15 Avenue S, the 14 Avenue S corridor will change back to a two-way road. Parking will be maintained on both sides of 14 Avenue S, and the existing painted wheeling lane will be removed.
  • Both corridors will see upgrades to their pedestrian infrastructure, including curb extensions, marked crossings, and wheelchair ramps to support improved accessibility for everyone. 
  • Both corridors will be repaved as part of this project between 14 Street S.W. and Macleod Trail.

Parking changes on 15 Avenue

We will need to remove parking on the north side of the 15 Avenue corridor between 12 Street S.W. and Macleod Trail when crews build the protected two-way wheeling lane.

We know that parking in the area is important for people visiting and travelling in this location. To mitigate these impacts, the on-street parking on the south side of 15 Avenue will remain.

Project area

We’re making improvements to walking and wheeling (bike, scooter, skateboard) connections on 14 Avenue and 15 Avenue S. from 12 Street S.W. to Macleod Trail as shown in the map.

Click image to enlarge

Project background

As part of the 17 Avenue S.W. Construction Project, detours were required along 14 Avenue and 15 Avenue S. Both corridors were temporarily converted to one-way roads allowing people who drive to travel westbound along 14 Avenue and eastbound along 15 Avenue between 1 Street S.E. and 12 Street S.W.

Although parking was maintained on both sides of the road, the corridors were wide which can encourage speeding. As a result of this change, interested parties encouraged The City to improve the experience for those who walk and wheel through the community. The following changes were implemented:

  • One-way wheeling (bicycles, scooters, etc.) lanes, were installed in the direction of traffic to provide connected and consistent wheeling facilities and to reduce the widths of the vehicular travel lanes.
  • Temporary traffic calming curbs were installed where crosswalks already existed to improve visibility and reduce crossing distances for people who walk and to encourage a reduction in traffic speeds as vehicles approach intersections.

We then collected data, reviewed operations, and gathered feedback in 2020 and 2021 from Calgarians to develop a design recommendation for permanent infrastructure along the 14 and 15 Avenue S corridors. We are now moving forward with construction of the permanent infrastructure starting in summer 2024.

Project benefits

Once the project is complete, it will provide dedicated spaces that support walking and wheeling to improve safety and access for everyone travelling in the area.

Existing conditions (since 2017)

The image below represents the current configuration of a typical eastbound one-way block on 15 Avenue S. Individual blocks and intersections may operate differently depending on the surrounding environment.

Click image to enlarge

Typical layout for one-way block

Typical layout for one-way block

Chosen concept design for construction

Upon completion of public engagement, data analysis and technical work, we developed the following preferred concept design:

  • 15 Avenue S

    Includes a protected two-way wheeling lane on the north side of 15 Avenue S. This will require removal of parking on the north side of the road.

  • 14 Avenue S

    When the proposed changes are made to 15 Avenue S, 14 Avenue S will change back to a two-way road. Parking will be maintained on both sides of the corridor and the existing painted wheeling lane will be removed.

Past engagement

For the 14 & 15 Avenue S Mobility Improvements project, we conducted two phases of engagement in 2020 and 2021. Thank you to all who participated.

Phase 1: Identification

Between September 28 and October 19, 2020, Calgarians had an opportunity to provide input by telling us what is working well and what is challenging for those moving along the 14 and 15 Avenue S corridors (12 Street S.W. to 1 Street S.E.). We also asked what future improvements Calgarians would like to see. A summary of the feedback received is available in the What We Heard report.

Phase 2: Prioritization

We incorporated feedback received during Phase 1: Identification, along with technical analysis, to develop potential improvement options for the study area.

From January 11 to 31, 2021, Calgarians were invited to view these potential options and provide feedback. We received close to 1,100 individual contributions through the online portal, conducted two virtual sessions for area businesses and hosted several one-on-one meetings as requested by individual stakeholder businesses and organizations. Read the What We Heard report for Phase 2: Prioritization.

We incorporated the feedback received, along with technical recommendations, to develop the final design.

Project funding

The project now has $10 million in funding secured for design and construction. This project is being jointly funded by the Government of Canada using the Active Transportation Fund and The City of Calgary under Calgary’s Pathway and Bikeway Network (5A) program and the Downtown Strategy program. These programs fund active infrastructure to make our neighbourhoods safer, more inclusive, and accessible for everyone.

Frequently asked questions

Why are these changes being made?

The project consists of making improvements to walking and wheeling (bike, scooter, and skateboard) connections on 15 Avenue and 14 Avenue are:

  • These corridors are in Calgary’s Beltline and Victoria Park neighborhoods. Providing dedicated spaces that support walking and wheeling will improve safety and access to everyone going to destinations such as businesses and LRT in the area.
  • We are continuing to invest in Calgary’s active transportation infrastructure to help make our neighborhoods safer, more inclusive, and accessible for everyone.

When will construction start and how long will it take?

We anticipate construction to start in summer 2024 and be completed in fall 2025. 

Will parking be impacted along 15 Avenue?

We will need to remove parking on the north side of the 15 Avenue corridor between 12 Street S.W. and Macleod Trail.  

We know that parking in the area is important for people visiting and travelling in this location. To mitigate these impacts, the on-street parking on the south side of 15 Avenue will remain.

How was the public engagement used?

In 2020 and 2021, there was public engagement conducted to gather feedback on the challenges and benefits of the 14 and 15 Avenue S corridors. Concept options were then presented to the public. We incorporated the feedback received, along with technical recommendations, to develop the final design for 14 and 15 Avenue S. Mobility Improvements project. Feedback and preferences from both phases of engagement were used in the development of the final design plans.

Read the What We Heard Report Here.

How do I report a safety concern?

If the safety concern is a medical emergency, call 911. For all other questions or concerns visit non-emergency calls contact website for contact information or please contact the project team at

Project timeline

  • Engagement:
    • Phase 1: Identification (September 2020)
    • Phase 2: Prioritization (January 2021)
  • Concept design: Complete
  • Detailed design and Information sharing: 2023/2024 *We are here*
  • Construction: Summer 2024 to fall 2025


We incorporated the feedback received, along with technical recommendations, to develop the design for this project.

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$10 million


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