Stoney Trail at Harvest Hills Boulevard interchange

Project updates - August 2023

Work on the interchange is winding down this construction season. Crews have some minor concrete work and landscaping to finish and will be complete by October 2023.

You can see answers to the questions asked during the design of the Stoney Trail and Harvest Hills Boulevard interchange here.

The existing interchange was constructed in 2010 and is three lanes wide, with two lanes northbound and a single lane southbound. This project will upgrade the interchange by building a second three-lane bridge adjacent to the existing north-south bridge, providing three travel lanes in each direction once completed. For those wanting to walk or cycle across Stoney Trail, the final interchange will include a multi-use path which will connect to existing and future pathways.

Project timelines

  • Detail design - Complete
  • Construction: Summer 2021 – Fall 2023

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