Calgary Cancer Centre development permit

Construction for Alberta Health Services’ new Calgary Cancer Centre (CCC) began in November 2017 after extensive partner and public engagement led by Alberta Health Services. The City of Calgary and The Calgary Cancer Project team (comprised of experts from Alberta Health, Alberta Infrastructure and Alberta Health Services) have been working collaboratively over the past few years preparing for the development permit submission to be approved by the Calgary Planning Commission. Building construction began at the end of 2017 and the anticipated completion date is 2023

The Calgary Cancer Project (CCP) is responsible for planning and building the CCC on the Foothills Medical Centre site, located in northwest Calgary. The Foothills Medical Centre is a leading health care facility that provides a range of health care services, including a 24/7 emergency department. Once complete, the CCC will be a comprehensive cancer facility that meets a wide variety of patient needs, supported by an interdisciplinary and integrated care philosophy that values and accommodates research and education to provide patient and family centered care.

For The City of Calgary process and development related inquiries, please contact:

Joseph Silot
Planning and Development


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