3 Avenue South Walking and Wheeling Upgrades

The City will be maintaining an interim cycle track on 3 Avenue S., between 8 Street SW and 5 Street SW. However, it cannot be kept in place east of 5 Street SW due to utility work occurring throughout the fall.

The temporary cycle detour, between 5 Street SW and 1 Street SE, will be removed in the week of December 4.

Having mobility choices – such as cycling is important to Calgarians and their quality of life. Council and City Administration are committed to providing safe and accessible cycling infrastructure to Calgarians grounded in the principles of Calgary’s 5A network.

Having this interim cycle track will allow cyclists to connect with north-south cycling facilities and move through the downtown core. It will also allow us to pilot and test options based on lessons learned from the 3 Avenue temporary detour being in place over the past few years. Design for a permanent east-west cycling connection will commence in 2024. 

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