Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Relaxations of Parking and Loading Stall Requirements

124 1 For uses in buildings listed on the City inventory of evaluated historic resources, the Development Authority may consider a relaxation of the minimum motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, bicycle parking stalls and loading stall requirements. Consideration for relaxations must be based on:
a satisfaction of the test for a relaxation referenced in section 31 or 36.
b the existing ability of the site to accommodate motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, loading stalls and bicycle parking stalls; and
2 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation in the required motor vehicle parking stalls and visitor parking stalls for uses when a transportation demand management measure is approved by the Development Authority and is required to be implemented as a condition in a development permit.
3 Any approved transportation demand management measure must:
a be sustainable throughout the term of the development permit; and
b include requirements that must be incorporated into an approved plan or condition on a development permit.
4 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation in the minimum required motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, loading stalls and bicycle parking stalls for a development when:
a the test for a relaxation referenced in either section 31 or 36 is satisfied; and
b the type of use, the size or shape of the parcel, or the topographical constraints present practical difficulties in accommodating the requirements of this Bylaw; when a relaxation is given for this reason, it and the reasons must be stated on the development permit; or
c an applicant submits a parking study, as part of a development permit application, that demonstrates that the motor vehicle parking stall requirement, visitor parking stall or bicycle parking stall requirement should be less than the requirements of this Bylaw due to unique site, location or use characteristics, and the conclusions of the study are considered acceptable by the Development Authority.
5 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation to the minimum required pick-up and drop-off stalls for a School Authority — School when:
a the proposed development is an addition to a School Authority — School building existing on the effective date of this Bylaw; or
b the proposed development is a new School Authority — School building proposed on a parcel designated as reserve land existing on the effective date of this Bylaw; and
c in the opinion of the Development Authority, it would be difficult to provide the required pick-up and drop-off stalls due to the parcel configuration, area of a parcel and frontage.
6 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation of Section 116 where:
a the test for a relaxation referenced in either Section 31or 36 is satisfied;
b the development permit identifies the locations of the minimum required stalls, including the mechanisms used to maintain the stalls for the duration of the development;
c the stalls referenced in subsection (b) are signed or marked as being available for the development; and
d all parcels forming part of the development are indicated on the same development permit.

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