Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Height and Size of Third Party Advertising Signs

113 1 The maximum height of a wall-mounted or a freestanding-flush Third Party Advertising Sign is 10.5 metres and it must not extend above the eaveline.
2 The maximum height of a freestanding Third Party Advertising Sign is 8.3 metres, and if any portion of a freestanding Third Party Advertising Sign is located within 6.5 metres of a building less than 8.3 metres in height, the sign must not exceed the height of that building or 6.5 metres, whichever is greater.
2.1 In the C-COR1, C-COR2, CC-X and CC-COR Districts, where located outside of pedestrian-oriented areas as referenced in subsection 113 (6), the maximum height of a Third Party Advertising Sign is 4.6 metres and the maximum sign area is 4.5 square metres.
3 The dimensions of the sign area of a Third Party Advertising Sign must not exceed a vertical dimension of 5.8 metres by a horizontal dimension of 7.0 metres, with allowance for a 1.5 metre cut-out to the top and face and a 0.70 metre cut-out to the sides and bottom of the Third Party Advertising Sign.
4 The maximum area of a Third Party Advertising Sign must not exceed 25.0 square metres and only one face of a double-faced sign may be used to calculate sign area.
5 Where an existing Third Party Advertising Sign complies with this Bylaw, except for the provisions of this section, it may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
6 Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited in the following pedestrian-oriented areas:
a 9 Avenue S.E. from 8 Street S.E. to 15 Street S.E.;
b 17 Avenue S.E. from 26 Street S.E. to 61 Street S.E.;
c Bowness Road from 47 Street N.W. to 42 Street N.W. and from 62 Street N.W. to 66 Street N.W.;
d Fourth Street Business Revitalization Zone;
e Kensington/Louise Crossing Business Revitalization Zone;
f Marda Loop Business Revitalization Zone;
g Uptown 17 Business Revitalization Zone; and
h Victoria Park/First Street S.W. Business Revitalization Zone,except for Olympic Way S.E.

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