Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Siting of Third Party Advertising Signs

112 1 A Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located within 30.0 metres of any Freestanding Sign, facing the same oncoming traffic, except where the separation is between existing signs approved prior to November 19, 1990.
2 A Third Party Advertising Sign must be removed from a parcel upon expiry of the development permit for such sign if a development permit application for a Freestanding Sign is approved within 30.0 metres of the Third Party Advertising Sign.
3 A Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located within 75.0 metres of any other Third Party Advertising Sign facing the same on-coming traffic and must not result in more than two (2) freestanding Third Party Advertising Signs greater than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area within a 225.0 metre radius of each other facing the same street, except:
a where the separation is between an existing Third Party Advertising Sign, approved prior to June 19, 2000;
b for a Third Party Advertising Sign located on the same structure; or
c for a Third Party Advertising Sign, less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area, where the separation must be 30.0 metres.
4 Subject to subsections (1) and (3), a Third Party Advertising Sign, less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area, must not be located closer than 30.0 metres to any other Third Party Advertising Sign less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area.
5 A Third Party Advertising Sign must be located such that no portion is less than 6.0 metres from any property line adjacent to a public thoroughfare except for Third Party Advertising Signs less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area.
6 Notwithstanding subsection (5), where an existing Third Party Advertising Sign complies with this Bylaw, except for the provisions of subsection (5), it may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
7 Trees required under an approved development permit shall not be removed or altered in any way to accommodate the placement or visibility of a Third Party Advertising Sign.
8 A Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located on, or attached to, a roof of a building.
9 A freestanding Third Party Advertising Sign must be separated from:
a a Directional Sign, exceeding 3.0 square metres in sign area, in a street right-of-way;
b a street intersection or railway crossing; and
c the curbline or edge of a major street, expressway or freeway; to the satisfaction of the General Manager Transportation or his delegate.

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