Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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63 1 All outdoor light fixtures must be aimed and shielded in a manner that does not direct illumination onto a street or adjacent residential uses.
2 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), all outdoor light fixtures must not emit light above the horizontal plane at the bottom of the light fixture.
3 Outdoor light fixtures may emit light above the horizontal plane at the bottom of the light fixture only where the light fixture:
a is used for accent lighting; or
b has a luminaire wattage 150 watts or less and does not contain a:
i mercury vapour luminaire;
ii metal halide luminaire; or
iii high pressure sodium luminaire; or
c has a luminaire wattage 75 watts or less and contains a:
i mercury vapour luminaire;
ii metal halide luminaire; or
iii high pressure sodium luminaire.

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