Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Application for Land Use Amendment

16 1 Any owner of a parcel, his authorized agent, or other persons having legal or equitable interest in the parcel may apply to the General Manager to have the land use designation of the parcel changed through an amendment to this Bylaw.
2 The City may initiate amendments to this Bylaw to change the land use designation of any parcel.
3 An application for a change in land use designation must be made on an application form approved by the General Manager.
4 An applicant for a change in land use designation must provide all information as required by the General Manager.
5 The General Manager may refuse to accept an application for a change in land use designation where:
a the information required by subsection (4) is not provided; or
b the quality of the information provided is inadequate to properly evaluate the application.

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