Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Permitted use Rowhouse Building

a must have façade articulation for each Dwelling Unit, by including:
i a portion of a street facing façade of each unit recessed behind or projecting forward from the remainder of the street facing façade of that unit, with the projecting or recessed portion having a minimum dimension of:
A 2.0 metres in width;
B 0.3 metres in depth; and
C 2.4 metres in height; or
ii a porch that projects from a street facing façade a minimum dimension of:
A 2.0 metres in width; and
B 1.2 metres in depth;
b must have the main floor located above grade adjacent to the building to a maximum of 1.20 metres above grade for street facing façades;
c located on a corner parcel must have an exterior entrance which is visible from each street side of the corner parcel;
d must not have an attached private garage;
e must have a motor vehicle parking stall or private garage for each Dwelling Unit with direct, individual access to a lane;
f must not have windows on an exposed side façade of a unit that are located beyond the rear façade of a contextually adjacent building on an adjoining parcel unless:
i the window is located below the second storey;
ii (ii) the glass in the window is entirely obscured;
iii there is a minimum distance of 1.5 metres between the finished floor and the bottom of the window sill; or
iv the façade that contains the window is setback a minimum of 4.2 metres from the side property line; and
g must not be located on a parcel where the difference between the average building reference points is greater than 2.4 metres.
2 deleted
3 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (4) the maximum building depth of a Rowhouse Building that is a permitted use in the R-CG District is the greater of:
a 60.0 percent of the parcel depth; or
4 There is no maximum building depth for a Rowhouse Building located on a corner parcel in the R-CG District.
5 To be a permitted use in the R-CG District a Rowhouse Building must not be located on a parcel that contains more than one main residential building.

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