Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Projections Into Side Setback Area

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1.1 Portions of a building greater than or equal to 2.4 metres above grade may project a maximum of 0.6 metres into any side setback area.
1.2 Portions of a building less than 2.4 metres above grade may project a maximum of 0.6 metres into a side setback area:
b for all other uses:
i when located on a corner parcel;
ii where at least one side setback area is clear of all portions of the building measure from grade to a height of 2.4 metres; or
iii where the side setback area contains a private maintenance easement required by this Bylaw and no portion of the building projects into the required private maintenance easement.
1.3 Window wells may project a maximum of 0.8 metres into any side setback area.
2 Window wells and portions of a building, other than eaves, must not project into a 3.0 metre side setback area required on a laneless parcel.
3 Eaves may project a maximum of 0.6 metres into any side setback area.
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5 Landings , ramps other than wheelchair ramps and stairs may project in a side setback area provided:
a they provide access to the main floor or lower level of the building;
b the area of a landing does not exceed 2.5 square metres;
c the area of any portion of a landing that projects into the side setback area does not exceed 1.8 square metres;
d they are not located in a 3.0 metre side setback area required on a laneless parcel; and
e they are not located in a side setback area required to be clear of projections, unless pedestrian access from the front to the rear of the parcel is provided.
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8 Any portion of a building that projects into a side setback area, other than eaves, landings, window wells, ramps and stairs, must not be located closer than 0.9 metres from the nearest front façade.
9 Balconies and decks must not project into any side setback area.
10 Central air conditioning equipment may project a maximum of 1.0 metres into a side setback area
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