Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 2: Defined Uses

227 "Manufactured Home"
a means a residential building:
i that is intended for year round occupancy, containing one Dwelling Unit;
ii that is constructed on a permanent undercarriage or chassis;
iii that is designed with the capability of being transported, from time to time, from one location to another without the necessity of being placed on a permanent foundation; and
iv that is not a recreational vehicle;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per Dwelling Unit; and
228 "Manufactured Home Park"
a means a use:
i that provides sites for two or more Manufactured Homes on a parcel;
ii that must provide on-site laundry and recreation facilities for the occupants of the use;
iii that must provide administration facilities for the management of the use; and
iv that may have buildings for the recreational activities of the use;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per Manufactured Home located on the parcel;
d requires a minimum of 0.1 visitor parking stalls per Manufactured Homes located on the parcel; and
229 deleted
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236 "Motion Picture Filming Location"
a means a use:
i where motion pictures are filmed, either within a building or outdoors; and
ii that must be approved on a temporary basis for a period of time not greater than one year;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not construct any permanent buildings, or make permanent exterior renovations or additions to an existing building or structure;
d does not have a maximum use area in any District;
e does not require motor vehicle parking stalls; and
237 "Motion Picture Production Facility"
a means a use:
i where motion pictures are filmed and produced;
ii where part of the processes and functions associated with the use may be located outside of a building;
iii that may have the functions of packaging or shipping the products made as part of the use; and
iv that may have the administrative functions associated with the use;
b is a use within the Industrial Support Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
238 "Motorized Recreation"
a means a use:
i where people participate in motorized sports and recreation activities outdoors;
ii that may provide a building containing change rooms, washrooms, showers and rooms for the administrative and storage functions required to operate the use;
iii that may provide seating areas for viewing the sport and recreation activities associated with the use; and
iv that must be approved only on a parcel designated as a Direct Control District that specifically includes Motorized Recreation as a use;
b is a use within the Direct Control Uses Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls based on a parking study required at the time of land use redesignation application.
239 "Multi-Residential Development"
a means a use:
i that consists of one or more buildings, each containing one or more units;
ii that has a minimum of three units;
iii where all of the units in a development with only three units are provided within the same main residential building;
iv where a minimum of 50.0 per cent of the units in a development with a minimum of four units and a maximum of nine units are provided in buildings containing two or more units; and
v where a minimum of 90.0 per cent of the units in a development with 10 or more units are provided in buildings containing three or more units;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c provides for all building forms referenced in subsection (a), including building forms similar to Townhouse and Rowhouse Building, unless otherwise referenced in a District;
d requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls as referenced in Part 6, Division 1 or Part 11;
e requires a minimum number of visitor parking stalls as referenced in Part 6, Division 1 or Part 11; and
f requires a minimum number of bicycle parking stalls — class 1 and class 2 as referenced in Part 6, Division 1 or Part 11.
240 "Multi-Residential Development — Minor"
a means a use:
i on a parcel 1.0 hectares or less in area;
ii that consists of one or more buildings, each containing one or more units;
iii that has a minimum of three units;
iv where a minimum of 90.0 per cent of the units are provided in buildings containing three or more units; and
v that complies with all of the rules specified for the use in the district;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c provides for all building forms referenced in subsection (a), including building forms similar to Townhouse and Rowhouse Building, unless otherwise referenced in a District;
d requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls as referenced in Part 6, Division 1;
e requires a minimum number of visitor parking stalls as referenced in Part 6, Division 1;
f requires a minimum number of bicycle parking stalls — class 1 and class 2 as referenced in Part 6, Division 1.
241 "Municipal Works Depot"
a means a use:
i where infrastructure maintenance services are provided by a level of government;
ii where large areas of land are required for buildings and storage;
iii that may store and service equipment, vehicles, LRT trains and other municipal vehicles;
iv that may store sand, gravel and other goods that are capable of being stacked or piled;
v that may have buildings to service the equipment, vehicles, and LRT trains;
vi that may have a building for training staff in the operation of the vehicles, equipment or LRT trains; and
vii that may have a building for administrative functions associated with the use;
b is a use within the Infrastructure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must provide screening on the same parcel as the use where the parcel shares a property line with a residential district or special purpose district and where there are piles or stacks of loose materials stored on the parcel;
d must provide screening equal to the height of the piles or stacks of materials stored on the parcel, as referenced in subsection (c).
e must provide a berm with a 3:1 slope if the berm is used to satisfy the screening requirements referenced in subsections (3) and (4);
f deleted
g does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
242 "Museum"
a means a use:
i where artifacts and information are displayed for public viewing;
ii where artifacts are investigated, restored and preserved for the public;
iii that may be contained entirely within or partially outside of a building;
iv that may have rooms for the provision of educational programs related to the use;
v that may provide lecture theatres, meeting rooms, study space and computers for users of the use;
vi that may have rooms for the administrative functions of the use;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and

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