Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 2: Defined Uses

201 "Gaming Establishment — Bingo"
a means a use:
i where bingo games are held on three or more days in any one calendar week; and
ii that occurs entirely within a building that has the capacity to accommodate more than 250 persons at any one time;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have any openings, except emergency exits, loading bay doors or non-opening windows on a façade that faces a residential district or abuts a lane separating the parcel from a residential district;
d must not have an exterior entrance located on a façade that faces a residential district, unless that façade is separated from the residential district by an intervening street; and
e deleted
202 "Gaming Establishment — Casino"
a means a use:
i where gambling occurs, but does not include Gaming Establishment — Bingo or a Race Track; and
ii that must be approved only on a parcel designated as a Direct Control District that specifically includes Gaming Establishment — Casino as a use;
b is a use within the Direct Control Use Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have any openings, except emergency exits, loading bay doors or non-opening windows on a façade that faces a residential district or abuts a lane separating the parcel from a residential district;
d must not have an exterior entrance located on a façade that faces a residential district, unless that façade is separated from the residential district by an intervening street; and
e requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls, based on a parking study required at the time of land use redesignation application.
203 "Gas Bar"
a means a use:
i where automotive fuels are sold;
ii where motor vehicle accessories and products may be sold; and
iii where any building that is not combined with another use has a maximum gross floor area of 40.0 square metres;
b is a use within the Automotive Service Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have a canopy that exceeds 5.0 metres in height when measured from grade;
d must have fully recessed canopy lighting;
e may have an outdoor display of products related to the use, provided they are within 4.5 metres of the building entrance or on gas pump islands; and
f deleted
203.1 "General Industrial — Heavy"
a means a use:
i where any of the following activities occur:
A the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, assembly or disassembly of materials, semi-finished goods, finished goods, food, beverages, products or equipment, provided live animals are not involved in any aspect of the operation;
B the cleaning, servicing, testing, repairing or maintenance of industrial or commercial goods and equipment; or 
C the crushing, dismantling, sorting or processing of discarded goods, provided these activities do not involve chemicals or the application of heat;
ii where part or all of the processes and functions associated with the use are located outside of a building, including the function of using trailer units or railway cars prior to shipping;
iii where dust or vibration may be seen or felt beyond the parcel containing the use; and
iv that may include Food Production;
b is a use within the General Industrial Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
203.2 "General Industrial — Light"
a means a use:
i where any of the following activities occur:
A the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, assembly or disassembly of materials, semi-finished goods, finished goods, food, beverages, products or equipment, provided live animals are not involved in any aspect of the operation;
B the cleaning, servicing, testing, repairing or maintenance of industrial or commercial goods and equipment;
C the offices or workshops of contractors engaged in either building trades and services, or road and utility construction;
D the crushing, dismantling, sorting or processing of discarded goods, provided these activities do not involve chemicals or the application of heat;
E the warehousing, shipping and distribution of goods, including the functions of repackaging and wholesaling, provided the gross floor area of the warehouse is less than 20 000.0 square metres;
F the analysis or testing of materials or substances in a laboratory;
H the repair, service or refurbishment of furniture, electronic equipment and appliances that are used in the home;
ii that may include any of the following uses:
A deleted;
iii where all of the processes and functions associated with the use are contained within a fully enclosed building; and
iv where no dust or vibration is seen or felt outside of the building containing the use;
b is a use within the General Industrial Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c that may have a limited area for the accessory outdoor storage of goods, materials or supplies when located in the I-G, I-R, I-C or I-H Districts;
d deleted
e does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
203.3 "General Industrial — Medium"
a means a use:
i where any of the following activities occur:
A the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, assembly or disassembly of materials, semi-finished goods, finished goods, food, beverages, products or equipment, provided live animals are not involved in any aspect of the operation;
B the cleaning, servicing, testing, repairing or maintenance of industrial or commercial goods and equipment;
C the offices or workshops of contractors engaged in either building trades and services, or road and utility construction;
D the crushing, dismantling, sorting or processing of discarded goods, provided these activities do not involve chemicals or the application of heat;
E the warehousing, shipping and distribution of goods, including the functions of repackaging and wholesaling, provided the gross floor area of the warehouse is less than 20 000.0 square metres;
F the analysis or testing of materials or substances in a laboratory; or
ii where part of the processes and functions associated with the use may be located outside of a building, including the function of using trailer units or railway cars prior to shipping;
iii where dust or vibration may be seen or felt outside of the building containing the use provided it is contained on the parcel; and
iv that may include Food Production
b is a use within the General Industrial Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and

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