Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 2: Defined Uses

153.1 "Backyard Suite"
a means a use that:
i contains two or more rooms used or designed to be used as a residence by one or more persons;
ii that contains a kitchen, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities;
iii is located in a detached building located behind the front façade of the main residential building;
iv may be attached to an Accessory Residential Building;
v is considered part of and secondary to a Dwelling Unit;
vi except as otherwise indicated in subsection (vii) and (viii), must be located on the same parcel as a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling or a Single Detached Dwelling;
viii in the R-G and R-Gm Districts must be located on the same parcel as a Dwelling Unit in a Rowhouse Building, Semi-Detached Dwelling or a Single Detached Dwelling;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls; and
154 "Bed and Breakfast"
a means a use:
i where the provision of overnight accommodation is provided to guests, in a bedroom in a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling that is occupied by its owner or operator, who may also provide breakfast but no other meals to the guests; and
ii that must not provide liquor;
b is a use within the Subordinate Use Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c may have a maximum of four guest bedrooms at any one time;
d may not have more than one employee or business partner working on the parcel who is not a resident of the Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling;
e may provide meals to a guest only between the hours of 5:00 AM and 12:00 PM;
f must not contain any cooking facilities in guest bedrooms;
g must not display any signs on the parcel;
h deleted
i requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per guest bedroom in addition to the required stalls for the Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling containing the use;
j may provide a maximum of 2.0 motor vehicle parking stalls in tandem to other motor vehicle parking stalls located on the parcel; and
155 deleted
155.1 "Beverage Container Quick Drop Facility"
a means a use where:
i bottles and other beverage containers are taken for return and reimbursement of the recycling deposit applied to the container at the time the beverage is purchased;
ii bottles and other beverage containers are removed from the site for storage or sorting;
iii reimbursement is done through direct deposit into a pre-registered account and no reimbursement of the recycling deposit occurs on-site; and
iv there is no sorting or long-term storage of bottles on-site;
b is a use within the Industrial Support Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c when located within 300.0 metres to a parcel designated as a residential district, must:
i not have any outside storage of carts, bottles, other beverage containers, palettes, or cardboard boxes;
ii not allow for loading or the movement of recyclable material from the premise between the hours of 9:00pm-7:00am;
iii not have compaction of materials occurring outside of a building;
d unless otherwise referenced in subsection (c):
i must provide total concealment, through a solid screen or fence, for any materials located outside of a building;
ii may be required to demonstrate how impacts such as debris, grocery carts, litter or recyclable material will be managed;
e deleted
f does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
156 "Billiard Parlour"
a means a use:
i where the primary function is the rental of billiard tables, pool tables or similar games tables to the public for a fee; and
ii that may include a maximum of three (3) mechanical or electronic games that are kept for the purpose of furnishing entertainment or amusement;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
156.1 "Brewery, Winery and Distillery"
a means a use:
i where beer, wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages are manufactured;
ii that may have areas and facilities for the storage, packaging, bottling, canning and shipping of the products made;
iii that may have a private hospitality area where products made on the premises are provided to private groups for tasting and consumption as a special event;
iv that may include the retail sale of products made on the premises for consumption off the premises;
v that may include a public area of 150.0 square metres or less where beer, wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages manufactured on the premises are sold to the general public for consumption on the premises;
vi that may include the retail sale for consumption off the premises, and sale for consumption on the premises, of alcoholic beverages made off the premises for one year after commencement of the use, or those beverages made in collaboration with another Brewery, Winery and Distillery;
vii that may have a maximum of 10.0 square metres of public area used for the purpose of providing entertainment;
viii where the private hospitality area and the public area may be separate floor areas or may occur in the same floor area, but whether these activities are combined or separate, the public area may not exceed the maximum area in subsection (a)(v) unless combined with another use as contemplated in subsection (c); and
ix that may include the preparation and sale of food for consumption on the premises to private groups in the private hospitality area and to the general public in the public area.
b is a use within the General Industrial Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c may be combined with a Drinking Establishment — Large, Drinking Establishment — Medium, Drinking Establishment — Small or Restaurant: Licensed when one of these uses is also a listed use in the same district as a Brewery, Winery and Distillery, but the maximum total public area of the combined uses is the largest public area allowed in one of the combined uses;
d when the use includes a public area, it must not have any openings, except emergency exits, loading bay doors or non-opening windows, on a façade that faces a residential district or abuts a lane separating the parcel from a residential district;
e when the use includes a public area, it must not have an exterior entrance located on a façade that faces a residential district, unless that façade is separated from the residential district by an intervening street;
f when the use is located in an industrial district, the maximum floor area of a display and sales area located in a building is the greater of:
ii 20.0 per cent of the gross floor area of the use to a maximum of 465.0 square metres;
g deleted
h does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
157 deleted
158 deleted
158.1 "Building Supply Centre"
a means a use:
i where materials and supplies required for construction or assembly in a specific trade are sold including, but not limited to, lumber, plumbing, electrical and millwork;
ii that may include the incidental sales and rental of products and equipment related to the materials and supplies being sold;
iii that may include the sale and rental of tools and construction equipment;
iv that may include the outdoor storage of the materials and supplies being sold or rented; and
v that does not include the sale of home furnishings, household appliances, furniture or electronics;
b is a use within the Industrial Support Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c that has maximum gross floor area of 3500.0 square metres;
d deleted
e does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
159 "Bulk Fuel Sales Depot"
a means a use:
i where fuel for motor vehicles and trucks is sold either with or without an attendant; and
ii where the vehicles receiving fuel have a gross vehicle weight greater than 4536 kilograms;
b is a use within the Automotive Service Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and

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