Climate Action through the Land Use Bylaw


In July of 2022 Council updated the Calgary Climate Strategy, which sets the City’s vision and guides the overall objectives of The City’s climate action.  Several actions call for enabling climate innovation, energy efficient development, and deep energy retrofits through updates to the Land Use Bylaw.

The City is taking climate action by proposing amendments to the Land Use Bylaw, to improve the energy performance of Calgary’s building stock.  We believe we can achieve this by making it easier to retrofit existing buildings and offer incentives for new high-performance buildings.

This work represents “quick win” amendments, that are relatively easy to implement, while at the same time advance the conversation about more complex future amendments, necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks.


City staff anticipate taking amendments forward to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee in Q2 2023 and thereafter to a Public Hearing of Council.

The proposed amendments will also proceed to the Calgary Planning Commission and Calgary Climate Advisory Committee.  


Partners will have an opportunity to provide their input to City staff until March 10, 2023.   

If you'd like more information on the project or would like to participate in the discussions please contact:

David Galoska 
Senior Planner

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