Ask the Code - Cannabis edition - Insomniac

Dear Code of Conduct,
I used cannabis late last night to help me sleep. Am I safe to be at work?
- Insomniac
Dear Insomniac,
Good question. This is difficult to say because of the different levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the various strains of cannabis. Depending on where you purchased the cannabis there may be other drugs mixed in (and you may not be aware of this).
If you regularly use cannabis, your tolerance to it may change. Metabolic rates (the rate at which your body processes chemicals) vary, so it’s difficult to say how soon you will feel the effects of cannabis as well as how long those effects will last.
The Government of Canada has put out a site that has videos and questions from experts on cannabis use and limits that you might find helpful. Visit Cannabis in Canada
The bottom line is you are responsible to make sure you are fit to work. If you have questions, you can speak with your doctor or contact a Corporate Health Consultant (mycity link).