Ask the Code - Troubled by substance abuse

Dear Code of Conduct,
I think I have a substance use problem. I want to get help and keep myself and others safe but I don’t want to lose my job - that will make things so much worse. What can I do?
- Troubled by substance abuse
Dear Troubled,
Thank you for coming forward and talking about your problem. That takes courage. The City is committed to supporting employees who have alcohol and/or drug dependencies by accommodating them.
The City’s Substance Use Policy requires you to assume responsibility for your substance use problem and seek professional assistance, including following any recommended treatment and relapse prevention program following treatment.
There are a number of things you can do to get started: 
For more information on how The City assists in addressing substance issues, please go to Sections 4 and 6 of the Substance Use Policy.
Get more information on The City’s duty to accommodate.