Ward 7 - Terry Wong

Ward 7 Statement on the Housing and Affordability Task Force Recommendations

For the most up to date statement on the Housing and Affordabiltiy Task Force Recommendations (June 13, 2023) please go to the following:

The Housing and Affordability Task Force Recommendations and Actions

May 19, 2023 Comments:

On May 4th 2023, the City of Calgary's Housing and Affordability Task Force Recommendations were released. The Ward 7 Office has heard some input from community members in response to the Recommendations and we want to open up more conversation. We have some initial thoughts below and welcome any feedback you have based on the Task Force Recommendations. Please address all comments to our email: Ward7@calgary.ca 

Housing and Affordability Task Force Recommendations

Recommendation 1: Make it easier to build housing across the city

The actions in Recommendation 1 would meet the goal of making it easier to build housing across the city. Some of the actions have the potential to change the public engagement processes in housing (re)development. With that said, there may be other avenues where public participation can be strengthened over and above the current conditions. We believe in removing unnecessary red tape where appropriate, while maintaining meaningful engagement opportunities. When looking at Ward 7 we have heard concerns that relate to several actions within Recommendation 1. We want to hear from you for which actions speak to you and those that you find challenging.


Recommendation 2: More land available to build more housing across the city

The actions in Recommendation 2 would meet the goal of making more land available to build more housing across the city. Some of the actions may increase housing stock today at the expense of public, economic, and institutional spaces, resulting in long-term impacts. These actions will require more work to ensure that they result in rapid realization of project proposals over land prospecting. Additionally, we would like to explore the potentials of federal and provincial lands. We want to hear from you for which actions speak to you and those that you find challenging.


Recommendation 3: Ensure that the supply of affordable housing meets the needs of Indigenous people living in Calgary and Equity-Deserving populations

The actions in Recommendation 3 would meet the goal of ensuring that the supply of affordable housing meets the needs of Indigenous people living in Calgary and Equity-Deserving populations. These actions align with Calgary’s White Goose Flying Report, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, our recent approval of the City of Calgary Anti-Racism Strategic Plan, and our actions related to equity-deserving populations. The actions must focus on specific processes and actions with nation-to-nation actions to ensure recognition and responsiveness to the unique past, present, and future of our relations. We want to hear from you for which actions speak to you and those that you find challenging.


Recommendation 4: Convene the housing sector to facilitate greater collaboration

The actions in Recommendation 4 would meet the goal of convening the housing sector to facilitate greater collaboration. Calgary has been working towards collaborative models across sectors, which aligns with this recommendation. We realize that more information is needed to determine how we can turn these actions into outcomes. Additionally, it is important to look at best practices for information systems across Canada that will allow for maximum participation from all players. We want to hear from you for which actions speak to you and those that you find challenging, key outcomes you would like to see and measures for success.


Recommendation 5: Increase the investment to support housing providers

The actions in Recommendation 5 would meet the goal of increasing the investment to support housing providers. Some of the actions require intergovernmental agreements that may be unrealistic or inefficient based on the investment required to realize small funding increases. Other avenues may be more efficient and may result in better access to funding today and in the future. Additionally, some of the actions may create increased pressure on market housing tax rates unless sufficiently subsidized by alterative policies. There are more questions that remain to understand how these actions can be successfully carried out. We want to hear from you for which actions speak to you and those that you find challenging.


Recommendation 6: Ensure more individuals have a safe place to call home

The actions in Recommendation 6 would meet the goal of ensuring more individuals have a safe place to call home. These actions are required for ensuring that both landlords and tenants are protected. The Housing Task Force Recommendations assume that the number of basement and additional dwelling unit suites will increase, resulting in a greater number of landlords. We must ensure that a greater level of accountability, safety, and transparency is demonstrated within the authority of the city. We want to hear from you for which actions speak to you and those that you find challenging. 

Additional Opportunities for Input

There are more solutions in addition to what was suggested in the Housing Task Force Recommendations. We want to hear from you about a more diverse array of solutions that can provide both affordability and diversity of housing options.

At the City, we have limited capacities to respond and will need to prioritize actions on our housing crisis. With this in mind, we want to know what issues in housing keep you up at night. What do you think we should prioritize within our scope as your government?

We are fufilling our promise to listen, learn, and lead on your behalf. 

Categories: Housing, Updates, Ward 7, engagement