Ward 7 - Terry Wong

Councillor Role, Responsibilities, and Areas of Major Support

Mayor and Council Members

Over the next 4-year term as City Councillor, Terry pledges to fulfill his 3 key campaign promises:

  • Listen and Learn before Leading
    The community, businesses, non-profits and, most importantly, the taxpayers are important stakeholders and Terry looks forward to working collaboratively with them.

  • Do the Right Things, then Do Things Right
    With over 40+ years of year public service career we cannot always do the best things. But we certainly cannot afford not to do the right things. Terry will always do what is right.

  • Taking Care of Priorities
    The key priorities for Ward 7 are
    • Safe Communities
    • Affordable City
    • Vibrant Calgary

These priorities are fundamentals to building a great City for all Calgarians.

I look forward to representing the Ward 7 constituents and stakeholders by ensuring meaningful and open dialogue, respectful and constructive decisions and the delivery of quality and rewarding services.

For General Inquiries, please email our office at Ward7@calgary.ca.

Categories: General, Ward 7