Ward 14 - Peter Demong


I want people to feel like they can always communicate with me. Aldertalk is a powerful tool in my strategy for ensuring that they can. People only have to go as far as their local Community Hall speak with me, but many travel much further... read more


Ward 14 Communities BBQ

In June of 2011, a group of curious individuals braved the rainy weather in the Southcentre Mall parking lot to get to know their local community association. We gathered with the goal of giving away free community association memberships, raising awareness of these hardworking volunteer organizations, and putting some extra money toward their individual projects... read more

Ward 14 Wordsmith Award

As you may have guessed, I think that municipal government is a pretty important thing, and I think I can be fairly safe in saying that my colleagues in City Hall would agree with me on that. Every year we see numerous grade six classes from around Calgary in Council Chambers, and in the corridors of Old City Hall. They visit as an enhancement to their Social Studies curriculum, and get a little taste of what a City Council meeting is like... read more