Ward 14 - Peter Demong

New School and Playground Zone Times



We are just days away from schools opening their doors to Calgary’s children for the upcoming school year. There is no doubt that these children will liven up the city’s streets with their youthful exuberance. This sign of the coming autumn, and the beginning of the school year, should also serve as a reminder to slow your vehicle to the posted 30 km/h in school and playground zones.

School and Playground zones are now in effect beginning at 7:30 a.m. and ending at 9 p.m.

Playground zones will be in effect 365 days a year and school zones will be effective on school days only. Decals have been placed on all school and playground zone signs in the city to notify drivers of the changes.

If the return of children to Calgary’s schools is not enough of an incentive to slow down to the posted 30 km/h, then consider this: Police will begin enforcing the new playground and school zone rules on September 1, 2014. Please be mindful of the new rules. The rules are a positive step to improve pedestrian safety in this city, but they only work when we all obey them.

For more information please visit the School Zone and Playground Zone page.​

