Ward 14 - Peter Demong

3 Important COVID-19 websites




Knowing what is happening with government will be very important during the coming weeks and months, but it can also be difficult to know where to find information. Here are three websites that you should be checking regularly to get an idea of what you can do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and how you can get help that is available to you.calgary.ca/covid19

​City of Calg​ary​​

Province of Alberta​​

Government of Canada​​




While we will likely not be seeing each other in person for a while, my office will nevertheless be open to take your phone calls at 403-268-1653, and emails via calgary.ca/contactward14. My staff will be working from their homes whenever it is possible to do so, and I encourage those who are able to do the same.


Councillor Peter Demong



Categories: COVID-19 Pandemic