Ward 14 - Peter Demong

March 2020 Newsletter




Hello Ward 14! Can you believe winter will officially be over this month? This year is flying by so fast. Here are a few topics that you may find helpful this month.

March Counciltalk

It has been great to see the amazing turnouts at my first two Counciltalks of the year. The discussion was great too. The 7th of March from noon to 2 p.m. at the Bonavista Downs Community Hall (1418 Lake Ontario Road S.E.) are the details for the next Counciltalk. I really hope to see you there. For more information, or to find another opportunity visit calgary.ca/counciltalk.

Two big engagement opportunities – Green Line & Event Centre

There are two major projects undergoing some very important public engagement right now.

On February 21, the Green Line Committee of Council extended the timeline to report back on the updated Stage 1 alignment to provide Administration with more time to engage with communities and key stakeholders organizations. If you are interested learning more and providing input I hope you will visit engage.calgary.ca/greenline. Of course you can always contact me and there will be an opportunity to address Committee on April 23.

Event Centre engagement also began in February and runs to March 27. You can find details about Event Centre engagement on calgarymlc.ca/ECengage, and you can always contact me about this too.

Fire Alarms

Fire alarms and emergency preparedness are things that we often take for granted, and the turn of the season is a great natural reminder. As we ‘spring forward’ into Daylight Savings on March 8, this is an excellent time to test the smoke alarms in your home or business.

When correctly installed, tested and maintained, smoke alarms provide the best early warning system in the event of a fire. They are an essential part of any home or business, and will help to keep your family and employees safe.

  • ​Test smoke alarms once a month by pressing the alarm's test button and replace the batteries of each smoke alarm once a year.
  • Replace smoke alarms after 10 years. Or, if you discover a smoke alarm is defective or broken after testing, replace it
  • Install at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home, including the basement, and ensure there is a smoke alarm in or near every sleeping area.

More information on choosing smoke alarms, checking their expiration dates and installing and maintaining them correctly can be found at smoke alarms.

Keep Calm and Build a Kit

The power is out. The roads are impassible. Do you have what you need to take care of your family until the situation improves?

A 72-hour kit doesn’t have to be expensive and it doesn’t have to take up a lot of space. It just helps you take care of yourself, staying safe and comfortable, so that first responders can take care of those in greatest need.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Make it a family activity. Include your kids on the discussion and use it as a way to talk about emergencies, how you plan to communicate with one another about your whereabouts and how to evacuate the house if needed.
  • Start slow. Store what you can today and accumulate other items bit by bit. Start with even one or two food cans each grocery trip.
  • Let it roll: Make sure your kit is ‘to-go’ friendly, with wheels or able to be easily transported to your vehicle in case.
  • Date stamp it: Pick a date to revisit restock items and write your inspection date on tape on the side of the kit. Put a recurring date in your calendar to see whether there are items to replace.

So what do you put inside? Important documents, flashlight, radio, candles, food stuffs, items for kids and pets. The best kit is the one that works for you and your family. Visit calgary.ca/getready to learn more.


Feel free to contact me any time. The best way to do so is by visiting calgary.ca/contactward14.

-Councillor Peter Demong

Categories: Newsletter