Ward 14 - Peter Demong

2014 Aldertalk schedule


Aldertalk has been a great success in my first term on City Council. It seems only natural that it should continue. Aldertalk sessions are an opportunity to speak with me directly about any topic you like. I book meeting rooms in community halls across Ward 14 on an almost monthly basis, and make myself available for any questions.

The first Aldertalk sessions of the 2013-2017 Term are now scheduled. Please feel free to join me at any session. Here is what I have booked so far:


Date: January 18, 2014
Time: 12 pm - 2 pm
Location: Parkland Community Hall
Address: 505 Parkvalley Road SE


Date: February 22, 2014
Time: 12 pm - 2 pm
Location: Willow Ridge Community Hall
Address: 680 Acadia Drive SE

I hope to see you there! Keep an eye on calgary.ca/Aldertalk​ for upcoming dates.​

Categories: Motions and Initiatives