Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Flood Update - Temporary Offices and Contact Information



The Aldermanic Offices have been temporarily relocated to the Municipal Complex while City staff work diligently to restore power and function to Historic City Hall which was significantly impacted by the recent flood event in Calgary. It is estimated that we will be working from our temporary office space from now until mid to late August. Thank you for your patience and understanding over the last couple of weeks while we got settled. You can now contact the Ward 14 office in the following ways:

  • Phone: 403-268-1653
  • Email: eaward14@calgary.ca
  • Webmail: contact Ward 14
  • Mailing address:
    Alderman Peter Demong
    City of Calgary
    Office of the Aldermen (8001B)
    P.O. Box 2100, Station M​
    Calgary, AB T2P 2M5​

