Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Top five Aldertalk Topics


Since the first gathering in January of 2012, the popularity of Aldertalk has exploded. Not only is it great just to get a chance to listen to people's opinions and concerns, but to hear neighbours engage each other in debate really puts a smile on my face. Thank you so much to everyone who particpated.

As well as being an open forum for people to communicate with their Aldermen, Aldertalk provides some invaluable insight to draw upon when deciding how to best represent Ward 14 in City Council. From garbage removal to green fees, Aldertalk is a great way to find out what makes Calgarians want to speak out.

For those interested in what we talked about over the last two years, here is a chart showing the top 5 most frequent topics (with a 3-way tie for third) to come up in discussion.

Top 5 Aldertalk topics (% of total)

  • 6% - Green bins
  • 6% - Community appearance / infrastructure / safety
  • 6% - Recreation concerns
  • 7% - Traffic infrastructure / volume
  • 9% - Taxes / fees / Council budgeting
  • 12% - Development / City planning
  • 13% - Traffic speeding / calming
  • 41% - Other ​
