Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Aldertalk begins for the new year


ALDERTALK is back for the New Year! I will be hosting the year's first session of ALDERTALK this Saturday, January 17 from noon to 2 p.m. at Parkland Community Hall (505 Parkvalley Road SE). ALDERTALK is an opportunity for Ward 14 residents to visit their Councillor in an informal face-to-face setting. It's a chance to get to know one another, discuss problems, or brainstorm for the future. You can learn more about Aldertalk at calgary.ca/aldertalk.

If tomorrow doesn't work for you, ALDERTALK will be back again on February 28 at Willowridge Community Hall. I hope on you can join me on one, or both, of these occasions.​

Categories: Motions and Initiatives