Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Expenses - 2010 to 2012



A request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act was made recently to have all of the Aldermen's Ward expenses revealed. In 2010, I ran on the notion of bringing accountability, cost control, and transparency to City Hall, and that is what I intend to do. I have no issue sharing my expenses with the world.

Here is the FOIP request for Ward 14 expenses that I submitted in January and the Office of the Alderman has posted very general quarterly Ward expense reports for some time now.

But the public should not need to make a FOIP request to see where elected officials are spending taxpayer's money, and this new website has made it much easier for me to share my expenses on a more frequent basis. Over the next few months, my office will be working with the City's Finance Department on developing a permanent place on this site that will house monthly Ward 14 expense reports.

Please keep an eye out for my monthly reports in the near future...​​​

