Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Notice of motion: Senior single fare for Transit users



First brought to Council: September 9, 2013

Outcome: Referred to Administration

The cost of just about everything is constantly rising. For those without an income, like most seniors, this can be an especially serious problem. In Calgary, the market increase for the cost of an annual seniors transit pass was $35 to $95 over the past two years, and City administration is already looking at the possibility of raising the cost to $150 during 2014. What's more, many seniors do not use transit enough to justify the cost of an annual pass.

The concept of a single senior fare pass is not new. Many cities in Canada already offer similar passes, and in Calgary there is already a youth/student fare pass available. A number of major cities have combined their youth and senior passes into one single youth/senior pass.

It would relatively easy to adapt Calgary Transit's youth/senior pass to include seniors. This option would be much more affordable for seniors who don't use transit on a frequent basis. Alderman Peter Demong brought a motion to Council that asked administration to harmonise the existing youth/student single fare transit pass with a new single fare senior pass.

View the Notice of Motion​​


Categories: Motions and Initiatives