Business Internship and Co-op Program

The Business Internship and Co-op Student Program integrates academic study with challenging, professional work experience. Work terms can range in length from four months to greater depending on the criteria of the educational program.

Being an intern with The City of Calgary in summer 2011 was a critical turning point in my burgeoning career – I simultaneously gained credits towards graduation, expanded my skill set beyond what was possible through pure course work, and made connections that ultimately resulted in post-graduation employment with The City of Calgary. Ylanos Sansone, Customer Service & Communications​

​​​When are positions available?

Co-op and internship positions are available on a limited basis. If an opportunity becomes available, we will advertise directly with the post-secondary institutions offering co-op and internship students in the field of study required. Occasionally we may also post positions on the City of Calgary’s Career Opportunities web page.​