Bylaws related to residential car washing

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Can I wash my car on the street?

Under the Stormwater Bylaw 37M2005, you may use only water to clean your car. If you are washing your car on the street, you must not use any kind of soap or any product other than water, and your car must not be overly dirty.

Since the Stormwater Bylaw states that only water may enter the storm sewers, we strongly suggest using a carwash to wash vehicles.

What is the fine for washing my car with soap on the street?

The specified fine for violating this section of the bylaw is $500 for a first offence.

Can I use biodegradable soap to wash my car on the street?

No. All soaps and detergents are prohibited substances under the Stormwater Bylaw. Only plain water can be used to wash vehicles.

Related bylaws

The Stormwater Bylaw works with the Lot Grading Bylaw and Community Standards Bylaw to ensure appropriate water use and drainage around your property.

Learn more about the Stormwater Bylaw's regulations, including water drainage frequently asked questions. You can also find more details about what the bylaw means to homeowners or what the bylaw means to businesses and industry.

For other water-related bylaw information, visit Bylaws Related to Water.

Filing a complaint

If you know of a bylaw infraction and would like to report it to Animal & Bylaw Services, please call 311 or 403-268-2489 (outside Calgary).​